2013年1月22日星期二 22:04
It's ok, I'm used to it. ♥ 看到你状态,我也不开心。 很可笑的是,你在为她而伤心。 而我就在为你伤心。 我爱你,你爱她 :( 很多人说不珍惜就会失去, 我很珍惜 但还是失去。 我看 再怎么挽回 / 等, 也没有机会了吧 ? 有时候想起2010年和你一起的时候, 我的眼泪也会忍不住掉下来。
不知怎么,那么久了还是那么挂念 :(
而你已在为另一个她而伤心。 我真的很傻很笨, 爱着一个不爱我的人。 2010-08-02 到 2012-07-31 我永远会记得你带给我的回忆。 都几年了,还在等什么? 李诗蔚!醒醒吧 :') 别再停留在回忆中了, 他已忘得一干二净。 有些记忆就算忘不了, 也要假装记不起 :') # Maybe I was naive to think that you'll come back to me.
2013年1月20日星期日 09:16
I'm still loving you :'( ♥ 不知道怎么了,眼泪又不听话。 看到你的状态,你应该还很爱她吧? 觉得自己很笨,不知道自己在等待些什么? 等待你回头?等待你回来? 都过了那么久,明知道没有机会。 为什么还在等待…… :'( 真的放不下 :'( 不知道我应该做什么才能挽回这感情。 不过我知道,只有我放下了; 就不会再回头…… 每一天,我都希望你能多注意我。 每一天,我都希望你知道有一个女孩在等待着你。 每一天,我都希望你知道有一个女孩真的很爱你。 每一天,我都希望你知道一个女孩默默地守候着你。 每一天,我都希望你会回头看我一眼。 这些希望,过后都变成了绝望 :'( 你知不知道,我真的真的很爱你。 拒绝了所有的暧昧,只为了你一个回头。 真的那么难? :'(
2012年9月22日星期六 23:58
Waiting, hoping and wishing.. ♥ honestly, i would love to have a boyfriend. but i really don’t need one. i like to go with the flow and whoever gets my heart, i'm still loving him. being single really isn’t that bad. i don’t need a guy to feel loved. i have my family and friends. that’s more than enough love for me. it’s not like i’m going to be single the rest of my life. there’s no rush really. sometimes it will suck when i'm the only one without a boyfriend, but i won’t let that pressure me into being desperate for one. i would love to be the center of attention of a guy. but i’m not going to immediately date the guy when he does give me that attention. i would love to live my life how i usually live it. by going with the flow. waiting for a miracle to happen :')
2012年8月18日星期六 07:19
:) ♥ One day you’re gonna want her. That girl that knew she wasn’t perfect but tried to be for you. That girl who wanted nothing more than to be there for you, and loving you was the only way she could.
The girl who sees your flaws,
but values them as much as your strengths. That girl who still can’t bring herself to hate you,
even though sometimes you probably deserve it.
The girl that should have you, but doesn’t.
2012年7月25日星期三 07:23
:) ♥ see that girl? Yeah, she’s the one who stuck up for you, the one who stayed up til’ midnight just to talk to you. She’s the one whose heart flutters when she gets a call or text from you, the one who says good morning every time she gets the opportunity,
and the one who prays she’ll get a chance to say goodnight.
Boy, she’s the one who fought for you, the one that missed you and loved you.
But by the time you realize that she’s the girl you want,
she’ll already be with the guy who figured it out.
waiting :) ♥ I waited for you for so long. I watched my phone, every night, waiting on a phone call that somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I'd never get. I just wanted to hear you say that you were sorry for hurting me, and that maybe you wanted to get back together. I hoped and hoped that you will come back to me and just know that I missed you. Because I thought you missed me too, you just didn't know what you wanted. But, I finally realized that you didn't miss me at all,
that I was definitely not what you wanted,
and that I never meant that much to you anyway.
2012年7月22日星期日 23:46
:) ♥ Even though I'm moving on, I will never forget you.
All because you were my first true love.
And there will come a time in my life
when I will thank you for that because by you breaking my heart,
it made me a little bit stronger
and you made me a little bit closer to finding the one that I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with.
The scary thing is; all the pain you put me through,
with a snap of your fingers I'd run back so fast.
So I bet you love to know you can have me at any moment if you want.
Yours truly, ![]() Hello! my name is Shi Wei. I know Shi Wei is special n unique. BE JEALOUS. I simply love chocolates, candies, lollipops, etc. As long as they're sweet, you can bet i will LOVE them. I am random at times, but i can beat around the bush sometimes too. With Loves, Materialistic, Click for my wishlist!
Scream Love, Reminisce,
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I Love You, KJC. |